Memorials & Tribute Giving


Memorial-Tribute Gifting — A memorial is an expression of charity (love) in memory of one’s living or deceased relative or friend. A tribute, in the name of a person or group, is an honor and/or compliment; an acknowledgment of a special life experience, time, event or accomplishment. 

One of the most familiar memorials in the Church is the Mass Intention. However, there are additional ways to remember an individual, family member or group too. Donors receive recognition in our weekly bulletin and a card is available to gift to family, individual or group. Memorials or tributes may also include an item within the parish complex such as special artwork, liturgical item and more on a seasonal basis.

Memorials and Tributes Currently Available on a Weekly Basis:

Sanctuary Lamp - The red lamp located in the church sanctuary is lighted whenever the Body of Christ, the Eucharist, is in repose in the Tabernacle.

Wine & Hosts at Masses - The unconsecrated wine and hosts that are brought to celebrant at the Offertory of the Masses are consecrated by priest at the Mass; Holy Communion, the Body of Christ, is distributed to faithful assembled during Masses. Holy Communion is also brought to the sick in hospitals, living facilities and homebound throughout the week. 

Work in Human Services/Outreach - Helping Those in Need - Funds used to provide support and assistance for those in need throughout the week in our many efforts of reaching out through our Parish Human Services/Outreach Ministry.

Altar Candles in Adoration Chapel & at all Masses - The Altar Candles on each side of Monstrance which holds the Blessed Sacrament in our Adoration Chapel are lighted when the Monstrance holds the Blessed Sacrament in exposition, this is the Real Presence of Christ. Altar Candles are lighted for Masses held regularly throughout the week and weekends. Masses are celebrated in SCS Church, Saint Catherine of Sienna Chapel. 

A simple donation of $25 provides recognition in memory or tribute of person or group and the donor in our weekly bulletin, acknowledgement on our SCS Parish Bulletin Board (Sienna Center Lobby) and with a card available to be given to express your kindness in sympathy or for tribute. Available at the SCS Welcome Desk during regular hours. 

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